Applied Psychology of Architecture

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Applied Psychology of Architecture E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Karel Smejkal
2022, Anglicky, 176 strán
7,30 €
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Kód:  EK41128 ISBN: 978-80-88059-18-9
Applied Psychology of Architecture 7,30 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Applied Psychology of Architecture

The first book on the psychology of architecture

During ten years, the author met architects from more than 140 countries, but there was not one among them who could answer the question of what is the psychology of architecture. So he decided to return to university, assemble a research team in Applied Psychology of Architecture, and define and establish the entire discipline for the architectural community. This book is the first answer to the the above question. It is also the first book to summarize three years of research on the psychology of architecture. Architects create our artificial environment. They should therefore know those for whom they create it. And they should also know themselves.

Karel Smejkal is a writer, architect, university teacher, doctor of science and head of research in the psychology of buildings at the Department of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. He is also a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), founder of Applied Psychology of Architecture, founder and chairman of Czech Deco Team and co-founder (with Václav Havel and Bořek Šípek) and president of INSPIRELI AWARDS, the world’s largest student architectural competition.

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