Game On: Shweet Revenge

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Game On: Shweet Revenge E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Anglicky, 155 strán - 1 Kniha zo série Game On
Kód:  EK47013 ISBN: 999-00-038-5769-9

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Game On: Shweet Revenge Predaj skončil

Game On: Shweet Revenge

Lucas is a talented gamer - and his skills are about to be put to the test!Lucas loves playing video games and he spends most of his time practising his gaming skills - despite his mother's disapproval.One day, his computer starts acting strangely, and before he knows what has happened, his room has gotten a bit too crowded...Lucas' world and the gaming world have somehow connected, and to Lucas' disbelief, four gaming characters are now standing in front of him: Mega Monkey, Jump Kidd, Major Powers, and Pixie.The odd group is on a mission to stop a dangerous villain who has escaped Server City - and they need Lucas' help to guide them through this strange and analogue place in order to stop the villain!´Game On 1: Shweet Revenge´ is the ideal read for anyone with an affinity for gaming or for fans of Disney's ´Wreck-It Ralph´. -

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