Imagine: Using Mental Imagery to Reach Your Full Potential

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Imagine: Using Mental Imagery to Reach Your Full Potential E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Lydia Ievleva
2022, Anglicky, 280 strán
11,90 €
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Kód:  EK52072 ISBN: 999-00-038-4227-5
Imagine: Using Mental Imagery to Reach Your Full Potential 11,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Imagine: Using Mental Imagery to Reach Your Full Potential

Did you know that images of the mind shape how we think, feel and behave? The way we frame scenarios has the power to impact our attitude and actions. But what if we could consciously choose to cast things in a positive light? Equipping you with the tools you need to harness the power of mental imagery, ‘Imagine’ will help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential. With Dr Lydia Ievleva’s extensive experience incorporating mental imagery with a wide range of athletes, business and health professionals, her tried and tested advice will allow you to take back control. Featuring case studies and practical tips to set bitesize goals, forging the right mindset has never been so easy. \"You can think of imagery like a screenplay -you can allow life to play you; or you can take a more active role in your destiny’ – Dr Lydia Ievleva With over 25 years of experience in practice and teaching, Dr Lydia Ievleva is a psychologist with extensive experience supporting a wide range of clients. Former president of the APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists, she received her training in Canada and the U.S. Lydia holds the following qualifications: BA Hons Psychology, Carleton University; MSc Sport Psychology, University of Ottawa; and PhD Counselling Psychology, specialising in health and sport, Florida State University. Her work includes clients seeking health, wellbeing, relationship, performance and professional goals and she has helped countless Olympic and professional athletes, dancers, musicians, artists, writers, corporate clients. Her popular psychology books are now helping millions around the world reach their full potential.

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