Little Bear

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Little Bear E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Jan Mogensen
2024, Anglicky, 7 strán
6,59 €
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Kód:  EK52070 ISBN: 999-00-040-4133-2
Little Bear 6,59 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Little Bear

Little Bear and his mother are about to go into hibernation, but there are just a thousand things Little Bear has to do before he can fall asleep. Maybe a story would help? Or some water? Or a trip through the snow? There\'s just so much to do, but Little Bear soon learns that a young bear also needs a good Winter\'s sleep.

Jan Mogensen is a Danish illustrator and author who has mainly illustrated books for children and young people. He always wanted to be an illustrator, and when he had young children of his own, he became aware that an alternative to the social realism that characterised virtually all new children’s literature at the time, even for the very young, was needed. Introducing children to that alternative was so important, he felt, that it inspired him to become a writer and illustrator.

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