Selected Thornton W. Burgess

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Selected Thornton W. Burgess E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2024, Anglicky, 123 strán - Kniha zo série Books to Read Before You Die
9,90 €
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Kód:  EK51773 ISBN: 999-00-040-3529-4
Selected Thornton W. Burgess 9,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Selected Thornton W. Burgess

Deep dive into the delightful collection of adventure animal tales from the creator of Peter Rabbit, Thornton W. Burgess.In \'The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver\', we\'ll join Paddy as he works to build his dam and protect his home. But when a group of humans threatens to destroy his beloved dam, can Paddy use his resourcefulness to save and secure his home, future, and fate?From escaping the clutches of Granny Fox in \'The Adventures of Reddy Fox\' to learning valuable life lessons in \'Old Mother West Wind\', the antics of the lovable animal characters of the Green Meadows and Green Forest will keep readers of all ages entertained.Weaving a thrilling animal adventure collection featuring furry friends such as Peter Rabbit and Reddy Fox, \'Selected Thornton W. Burgess\' is the perfect companion for fans of Domhnall Gleeson and Rose Byrne in the animated adventure, \'Peter Rabbit\'.

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