The Withered Arm

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The Withered Arm E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Thomas Hardy
2021, Anglicky, 58 strán
Kód:  EK46979 ISBN: 999-00-038-3762-2

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The Withered Arm

Milkmaid Rhoda Brooks cannot control her jealousy of Gertrude - a beautiful woman who has just married a rich farmer. So when Gertrude appears in her dream she cannot help but reach out and grab the arm of the woman she wishes she was. As Gertrude's arm begins to wither away in real life and no physicians are able to give her a solution, she must turn to a conjurer. Considered one of Hardy's most successful short stories, 'The Withered Arm' is unmissable for those who enjoyed the suspense of Edgar Allen Poe's 'A Tell-Tale Heart-

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