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MSI Workstation WT60 2OJ-1247TW

Notebook i5-4210M, 15.6 " 1920 x 1080 px, RAM 8 GB, SATA 1000 GB 7200 ot/min, DVD Super Multi, Windows 7 Professional
Kód:  AR0009776

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MSI Workstation WT60 2OJ-1247TW

Matrix Display Expands the Vision\n\nWT60-2OJ can support up to 3 external independent displays simultaneously through HDMI 1.4, Mini Display port 1.2 and VGA. So you can do rendering, 3D image drawing, and check your reference files all at the same time to make multi-tasking easier.\n\nNVIDIA Quadro K2100M Graphics Card\n\nNVIDIA Quadro K2100M graphics card is fully certified and optimized with industry-leading applications such as AutoDesk, Solidworks and Adobe® for enhanced performance and reliability. Take advantage of large GPU memory with fast bandwidth for display of complex models and scenes, as well as computation of large datasets. From digital content creators on a movie set, to design engineers at a remote plant, to geo-scientists on an oil rig, NVIDIA Quadro K2100M mobile is the trusted solution for professional applications.\n\nExclusive Super RAID 2 with 3 SSD RAID0 gives over 1,500MB/s storage speed!\n\nJump into your work faster with three 128GB SSD’s in RAID 0, with read speeds reaching over 1,500 MB/s. Get the best of both worlds with the additional 1TB HDD (7200RPM) to store all your multimedia and work.\n\nExclusive Cooler Boost 2 technology improves 15% cooling performance with lower noise\n\nMSI Cooler Boost 2 offers the highest volumetric cooling efficiency available and reduces stress on the processor allowing workstations to operate within their specified operating temperature for increased energy efficiency and reduced power consumption.\n\nKiller™ DoubleShot combines high-performance Wi-Fi and Ethernet for superior speed\n\nDesigned with exclusive networking optimizations, Killer™ DoubleShot offers up to 5x better latency than the competition and has the horsepower to handle multiple data streams at once. With Visual Bandwidth Control™, you'll see what those streams are doing in real-time for superior control over your precious bandwidth. Killer™ DoubleShot gives you unequalled hardware and software technology for your notebook Wi-Fi® and Ethernet connections.

Parametre a špecifikácia

Micro-Star International Co Ltd. C/O MSI Computer Europe BV, Science Park Eindhoven 5706, 5692 ER, Son, The Netherlands, [email protected]

Taiwanská spoločnosť MSI (Micro-Star International) si vydobyla pevné miesto vo svete IT predovšetkým produkciou základných dosiek pre stolné počítače. Zameriava sa však aj na grafické karty, barebone počítače, notebooky, sieťové produkty, servery a mnohé ďalšie počítačové komponenty. Produkty, ktoré nesú značku MSI, podporujú najmodernejšie technológie a doprajú svojim používateľom potrebný výkon pre všetky typy nasadení. Zvlášť intenzívne sa MSI venuje dnes tak rastúcemu segmentu herných notebookov.

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