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Aunt Jane's Nieces

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Aunt Jane's Nieces E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: L. Frank Baum
2021, Anglicky, 205 strán - 1 Kniha zo série Aunt Jane's Nieces Series
Kód:  EK46974 ISBN: 999-00-038-3757-8

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Aunt Jane's Nieces

‘Aunt Jane’s Nieces’ is the first in a series of ten children’s stories by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Wealthy elderly lady Jane Merrick is trying to decide how best to divide up her estate in her will. Childless, she invites her three nieces Louise Merrick, Elizabeth de Graf and Patsy Doyle to come and stay with her, so she can decide if any of them are worthy of her estate and her wealth. There are plenty of mishaps and adventures as the girls learn to get along with each other, as well as their difficult Aunt Jane, as they adjust to a new way of life. Fans of Louisa May Alcott’s ‘Little Women’ will enjoy this captivating series of stories.

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