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The Sea Fogs

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The Sea Fogs E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2022, Anglicky, 27 strán
5,89 €
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Kód:  EK46467 ISBN: 999-00-038-3633-5
The Sea Fogs 5,89 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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The Sea Fogs

‘The Sea Fogs’ represents a highly personal insight in to the life and health of the world renowned author, Robert Louise Stevenson. It follows his honeymoon in the Napa Valley in California where he and his new wife have taken up residence in an abandoned silver mine. Stevenson had long been afflicted by pulmonary difficulties and it was hoped these two months away from the damp of San Francisco would give his ailing lungs a chance to recuperate. It is here where we are first acquainted with the ‘Sea Fogs’ drifting in from the pacific and swarming the coast. Breath-taking in his vivid description of this stunning natural phenomenon, his ailing health hangs low over the awesome sight in front of him. It is a moving short, fantastic in its description and commanding in its beauty, it also offers a profound insight in to the mind of this iconic author and his ability to see the beauty and joy in everything. This short is perfect reading for any nature lovers or those looking for the perfect bed-time read.

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