A Vision of Judgment

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A Vision of Judgment E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: H. G. Wells
2022, Anglicky, 8 strán
5,99 €
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Kód:  EK52152 ISBN: 999-00-038-4273-2
A Vision of Judgment 5,99 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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A Vision of Judgment

A man is awoken in his grave by the sound of trumpets on judgment day. As the first souls come before God and Archangel Gabriel for the last judgment, the man soon discovers that judgement day is not quite how he imagined. God and Archangel Gabriel laugh at saints and sinners alike until they are so embarrassed that they flee \"up the sleeve of God\" where they are enlightened, given new bodies and a second chance. When God shakes them from his sleeve they land on a foreign planet and humanity is instructed to \"try again\" with their newfound understanding. This science-fiction fantasy take on a religious parable is written by the author of the science fiction classic \'The War of the Worlds\', H.G. Wells. \'A Vision of Judgment\' is a satirical short story that could easily be a precursor to comedy-drama \'The Good Place\' or animated film \'Soul\'. 

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