Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance

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Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2022, Anglicky, 200 strán
9,40 €
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Kód:  EK52080 ISBN: 999-00-038-4230-5
Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance 9,40 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance

Motherhood is a personal journey of self-discovery. From feeling delight and wonder, to challenged and overwhelmed – often, all in one day! FLOURISH for Mums is your perfect companion to cultivate 21 healthy ways to let go of unrealistic expectations and create space to celebrate your unique parenting pathway. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions – this is personal, yet universal in its strong, yet gentle message. The weight of social media, societal expectations, and an ever-evolving concept of what it means to be a good parent play heavily on the minds of mothers. If the daily life of a busy mum is not enough this is the burden that can break a mother’s feelings of self-worth and success – personally, in work, and in the family unit. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions Flourish for Mums cultivates a self-empowerment specific to mothers with its unique, strong, yet gentle messages. \"This compassionate, wise and soulful book cuts to the heart of motherhood ... It’s the ideal handholding companion.\" - Michelle Mitchell Author, Speaker, Educator Sonia Bestulic is a creative, energised woman, combining an extraordinary blend of creativity, intellect, empathy and passionate, determined drive; Sonia shares a natural gift for empowering those with children in their lives, to embrace their own personal growth. Sonia is an award-nominated Children’s Author, Speech Pathologist, Podcaster, and highly regarded Speaker. She combines real-world experience having worked with thousands of mothers and their children, within her Speech Pathology practices, together with her own lived motherhood, raising three children. Sonia is also the Founder of Talking Heads Speech Pathology clinics, in Sydney Australia. She is an advocate for honouring mothers’ wellbeing, celebrating children, and living a life powered by love.

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