Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy

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Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy E-kniha, Česky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Julie Jones
2023, Česky, 174 strán - 3 Kniha zo série The Intimo, intenso & inebriante series
9,40 €
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Kód:  EK47491 ISBN: 999-00-039-1073-8
Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy 9,40 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy

"He gently pushes me away and looks down on the floor. I lie down on my back, and he throws himself at me. I think he is just as close to cuming as I am. He penetrates me without difficulty and fucks me like Picasso's woman fucked herself while he watched, but today it is not the painter who is watching." – Don't touch the art, touch me'Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy' is a collection of erotica from LUST that will bring you joy in your pleasure. Be on cloud nine with orgasms that will make you drunk with happiness as you enjoy stories and fantasies of horny handymen, steamy sex tapes, and lust-fuelled lifeguards. This collection includes the stories: 'Don't touch the art, touch me', 'The Lifeguard', 'Handyman Wanted Part 1', 'Handyman Wanted Part 2', 'Sex Tape', 'Nettles', 'Student accommodation', 'A Trip to Ancient Egypt', 'The Publisher', and 'You can leave your hat on'.

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