Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes

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Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2022, Anglicky, 210 strán
11,90 €
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Kód:  EK51983 ISBN: 999-00-038-4224-4
Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes 11,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes

Cut through the noise and get to the truth with Dr David Craig’s ‘Lie Catcher: Becoming a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’. From making a purchase, negotiating a contract to dealing with children, ‘Lie Catcher’ provides fast, simple and effective techniques to enable you to harness expert detective skills in your day-to-day life - in less than 60 minutes. With over 20 years of practical and academic experience, Dr David Craig provides a fully credentialed and accessible guide. Ideal for education, parents, relationships, and business activities. Dr David Craig has been teaching and researching techniques in covert operations since the early 2000s. Having assisted undercover operations around the world, he spent over two decades as a Federal Agent, and now runs a consultancy for covert operations in Australia and overseas. Craig is now the author of the bestselling psychological books ‘Unlocking Secrets : How to get people to tell you everything’ and ‘Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’. Craig believes that everybody can and should benefit from covert skills in their everyday lives.

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