Through the Wheat

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Through the Wheat E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Anglicky, 255 strán
11,90 €
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Kód:  EK52143 ISBN: 999-00-038-4250-3
Through the Wheat 11,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Through the Wheat

‘Through the Wheat’ (1923) is a novel by the American journalist, scriptwriter, and novelist Thomas Alexander Boyd (1898–1935). Influenced by his own experiences on the battlefields of France in the First World War, this story follows William Hicks, a rifleman in the U.S. Marine Corps, through his first experience of combat. After enlisting, William Hicks is eager to see combat but as friends die and the reality of war hits home, he must find the strength to survive. Culminating at the Battle of Belleau Wood, this harrowing, evocative tale of the horrors of war is an action-packed, gripping tale about bravery and the futility of war, perfect for lovers of war fiction. Thomas Alexander Boyd (1898–1935) was an American journalist, scriptwriter, and novelist. A member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Boyd saw service during World War One and his harrowing experiences influenced many of his works. He is best known for the novels ´Through the Wheat´ (1923), ‘The Dark Cloud’ (1924), and a book of short stories, ‘Point of Honor’ (1925).

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