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The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Artbook

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The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Artbook E-kniha
Elektronická kniha
2018, 100 strán
Kód:  EK26858 ISBN: 999-00-017-8843-8

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The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Artbook Predaj skončil

The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Artbook

Development and Artistic Concept of the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance

This original book of illustrations follows the development and artistic concept of the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. While in genres such as fantasy and sci-fi, artists can give full reign to their imagination, the approach to this game was entirely different, because it is set in a realistic medieval environment and the story includes actual historical figures. The Warhorse Studios developers therefore created a world in which we can see what life was like in the Middle Ages. In order to achieve consistent authenticity, the team had to conduct historical research, consult with experts and browse through historical archives.

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