A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories

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A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Anita Bang
2023, Anglicky, 176 strán - 1 Kniha zo série The Erotic Alphabet
9,40 €
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Kód:  EK46765 ISBN: 999-00-038-3470-6
A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories 9,40 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories

"The woman on the porch was not at all what he had imagined. In the mundane setting, she was too beautiful even though she was old. She wasn't wearing any makeup, had tiny creases around her eyes and mouth, but with a twinkle in her eye. She was a part of the adult world, but at the same time, she was not. He didn't quite know how or why, but before he had uttered a single word, he had already imagined them two together, half-naked in one or two different positions." – Come InPart of the erotic alphabet series, 'A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica that delves into power balances, taboos of age differences, and long-term relationships in an array of sexy scenarios. 

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