Light on Dumyat

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Light on Dumyat E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Rennie McOwan
2023, Anglicky, 192 strán - Kniha zo série The Clan Series
9,40 €
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Kód:  EK48273 ISBN: 999-00-038-4470-5
Light on Dumyat 9,40 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Light on Dumyat

Are you ready for an adventure? Meet Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot - a group of friends with an unstoppable imagination for creating outdoor adventures in the remote Scottish countryside.But what happens when their latest expedition takes them down a perilous and ominous path? Hold on tight as these brave kids face thrilling and unexpected danger. With crime lurking at every corner, it's up to the kids to stop the criminals and save themselves before it is too late! Weaving an inspiring tale of friendship and perseverance, "Light on the Dumyat" is the first novel in Rennie McOwan's "The Clan Series". It is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and Disney's blockbuster hit "Brave".-

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